A compilation of sites in Google linked to Global tourism and /or Geohistory tourism links to one of the three component of what is termed geohistory tourism in this site – geology, landscapes and resources, Ecotourism and Cultural/human history tourism.
Examples of some of these sites is given below under which of these categories the main focus is linked.
1.Geology /Landscapes/ resourceUNESCO Global Geoparks are single, unified geographical areas with sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development. Their bottom-up approach aims to combine site conservation with sustainable development while involving local communities is becoming increasingly popular. At present, there are 140 UNESCO Global Geoparks in 38 countries. A webpage of each UNESCO Global Geopark is available, with detailed information on each site. These sites have a growing tourist presence and assist in the sustaining of local communities. Many of the sites are mountainous and have spectacular scenery such as at Mount Huangshan (Yellow Mountain) in China.
Philosophically there is a belief for the role of science in connecting time and place through geohistory tourism (CONNECTING TIME AND PLACE- GEOHISTORY, THE ROLE OF SCIENCE FOR CONSERVATION,
2. Combining Geology and landscapes and Ecotourism – the whole package
Canadian examples of combining aspects of geological evolution with human culture and cultural heritage is encapsultated in GeoHistory Tours. These comprise small and large group private tours. They are in Alberta or British Columbia and are unique sightseeing experiences travelling to National Parks ( Banff, Jasper, Yoho, Kootenay or Waterton Lakes ) and incorporate educational sightseeing activities. They include observing geological fossil -bearing units, descriptions of mountain building and include discussion of evolving human civilization through natives, fur traders, missionaries, CPR, oil and gas and cultural heritage.