Global Geohistory Tourism or Geotourism

 Geotourism, Geohistory Tourism, Ecotourism and Cultural or Human History Tourism.

According to Wikipdeia, Geotourism was first defined (Hose, 1995) in England.[2] There are two viewpoints of geotourism:

  1. Purely geological and geomorphologically-focused Sustainable Tourism as abiotic nature based tourism.[1] This is the definition followed in most of the world.
  2. Geographically Sustainable Tourism, the most common definition in the USA. This emphasises preservation of the geographical sense of a place in general, beyond simple geological and geomorphological features, as a new charter & concept in the sustainable tourism.

Wikipedia’s definition is essentially only concerned with the identification of geological evolution, rocks and landscapes of a region, their promotion, evolution and preservation. A similar definition by

Geotourism  is defined  as a form of natural area tourism that specifically focuses on geology  and landscape geosites and the conservation of geo-diversity and an understanding of earth sciences through appreciation and learning. This is achieved through independent visits to geological features, use of geo-trails and view points, guided tours, geo-activities and patronage of geosite visitor centres. This definition is similar to that of wikipedia’s geotourism definition. It expands the definition to include specific ideas on methods to develop geotourism in a region.

Geotourism is ‘tourism that focuses on geology and landscape as the basis for providing visitor engagement, learning, and enjoyment’ (Governing Council of the Geological Society of Australia, 2015). Western Australia has landscapes and rocks both old and new, well suited to a variety of tourism experiences. The Geological Survey of Western Australia (GSWA) develops geotourism products that can help the traveller to genuinely experience the magnificent geological heritage of the State.

Geotourism is defined by Tao Xu School of Humanities and Economic Management, China University of Geosciences (Beijing).  He identified 24 models of geotourism, which are all essential related to geology, geology research, entertainment, shopping and eating.

Geotourism is defined by National Geographic as tourism that sustains or enhances the distinctive geographical character of a place—its environment, heritage, aesthetics, culture, and the well-being of its residents.

This definition of Geotourism by National Geographic  Tourism is more closely aligned to the geographic rather than specifically the definition of geological rocks processes and landscape model of Geotourism

Geohistory Tourism has had a range of defintions – according to Mirriam Webster it includes history interpreted on the basis of geographic factors.  

Based on this definition Geohistory tourism would encompass Geotourism according to National Geographic.  These definitions place Geohistory tourism as emcompassing Geotourism based on geology, landscapes and research of the Chinese experience linked to

Additionally it can emcompass Geotourism based on earth science and geography, ecotouristionalm about the evolution linked to the appreciation and conservation of the natural world and cultural tourism based on the understanding and celebration of the cultural  diversity of different regions based on their past and current cultural norms.